Magento 2 (now Adobe Commerce) is a powerful e-commerce platform with built-in functionality. However, there may be instances when the platform must be extended to fulfill specific business requirements. This is where customized GraphQL comes into action!

This Magento 2 GraphQL Blog helps you to build a GraphQL API endpoint and extend it with a custom category attributes filter logic.

Two Main operations of GraphQL are in use:

  • Queries: To read and get Data from the Database
  • Mutations: To create, update and delete data from the database

Steps To Create a GraphQL Module in Magento 2

Step 1: Create a registration.php file

Create a registration.php file in app/code/Dckap/Graphql/registration.php

use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar;

Step 2: Create a module.xml File

Create a new module.xml file in the etc directory.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="Dckap_Graphql" setup_version="1.0.0">
<module name="Magento_Catalog" />

Step 3: Define the GraphQL Schema

create a file in app/code/Dckap/Graphql/etc/schema.graphls

In my case, I want to add my custom category attribute(“is_popular) in the existing category graphql endpoint. So im here adding my custom attribute the Category Interface extending from /vendor/Magento/CatalogGraphQl/etc/schema.graphqls

//Adding the custom attribute in categoryList Query
interface CategoryInterface {
is_popular: String @doc(description: "Custom Category Attribute")
class: "Dckap\Graphql\Model\Resolver\Category\CustomCategoryAttribute"
//To add  the custom attribute in categoryList Query filter
input CategoryFilterInput {
is_popular: FilterEqualTypeInput @doc(description: "Category Data filter with Custom Attribute Value")

Step 4: Define the Schema Resolver

Create a file in Dckap/Graphql/Model/Resolver/Category/CustomCategoryAttribute.php

namespace DckapHomepageModelResolverCategory;
use MagentoFrameworkGraphQlQueryResolverInterface;
* Category custom attribute field resolver
class CustomCategoryAttribute implements ResolverInterface
* @var MagentoCatalogModelCategory
protected $categoryModel;
* @param MagentoCatalogModelCategory $categoryModel
public function __construct(
MagentoCatalogModelCategory $categoryModel
) {
$this->categoryModel = $categoryModel;
* @inheritdoc
public function resolve(
MagentoFrameworkGraphQlConfigElementField $field,
MagentoFrameworkGraphQlSchemaTypeResolveInfo $info,
array $value = null,
array $args = null
) {
$category = $value['model'];
$_category = $this->categoryModel->load($category->getId());
return $_category->getData('is_popular');

Step 5: Run the Magento Commands

bin/magento module:enable Dckap_Graphql
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:clean

Step 6: Test and Run Graphql

Request Payload
categoryList(filters: {is_popular: { eq: "1" }}) {
"data": {
"categoryList": [
"id": 20,
"image": null,
"include_in_menu": 1,
"is_anchor": 0,
"is_popular": 1,
"name": "Women",
"path": "1/2/20",
"path_in_store": null,
"position": 2
"id": 22,
"image": null,
"include_in_menu": 1,
"is_anchor": 1,
"is_popular": 1,
"name": "Bottoms",
"path": "1/2/20/22",
"path_in_store": null,
"position": 2

Picture of Vijayashanthi M

Vijayashanthi M

Vijayashanthi M is a passionate coder with an experience of over 3 years in PHP, Yii 2, and Magento 2. She is always on the lookout for interesting things on the internet, and is an avid learner of new technologies. Her hobbies include dancing and listening to music.

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