In web development, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the essential bridges that allow applications to communicate and exchange data. Two popular approaches for designing APIs are GraphQL and REST. 

Both have their strengths and weaknesses and choosing between them can significantly impact your project’s success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between GraphQL and REST APIs to help you make an informed choice.

REST API: The Traditional Approach

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that conforms to a set of constraints when developing web services. It has been the go-to approach for building APIs for years. REST APIs follow a set of principles that make them easy to understand.

GraphQL API: The New Approach

GraphQL, developed by Facebook, is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs and a relatively new entrant to the API scene, offering a more flexible and efficient approach to data fetching.

Let’s compare REST and GraphQL in its main aspects:

Data Fetching

REST: Requires multiple requests to different endpoints, which can lead to over-fetching or under-fetching of data.

GraphQL: Allows clients to fetch all the required data with a single query, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching issues.


REST: Typically involves creating new versions (e.g., “/v1/”, “/v2/”) when changes are needed, resulting in multiple endpoints.

GraphQL: Schema evolution allows for changes without breaking existing queries, providing more flexibility in versioning.


REST: This can become complex with numerous endpoints and resources.

GraphQL: Offers a simpler structure with a single endpoint and a well-defined schema.


REST: Can be less performant, especially in mobile or web applications, due to multiple requests.

GraphQL: Tends to be more performant for applications, reducing the number of requests and optimizing data retrieval.


REST: Caching is straightforward, as each resource has its URL, but cache management can be challenging.

GraphQL: Caching can be complex due to highly customized queries, but tools like Apollo Client help manage caching.


REST: More discoverable due to adherence to standard HTTP conventions.

GraphQL: Requires thorough documentation to make schemas and available types discoverable.


REST: Well-established security mechanisms such as OAuth, but securing multiple endpoints can be challenging.

GraphQL: Requires consideration of query complexity and depth to avoid attacks, and security measures may need more attention.

Data Manipulation

REST: REST APIs are well-suited for simple data manipulation and CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). They provide a clear structure for these operations.

GraphQL: GraphQL excels in cases where complex data manipulation or aggregation is required. Clients can specify their requirements, allowing for more efficient and customized data handling.

Real-Time Data

REST: REST APIs can support real-time data using techniques like WebSockets, but this often requires additional implementation and may not be as simple.

GraphQL: GraphQL has built-in support for real-time data through subscriptions, making it a natural choice for real-time applications.

Query Flexibility

REST: In REST, the server determines the structure of the data, requiring clients to make multiple requests to different endpoints for retrieving related data. This limitation can restrict query flexibility.

GraphQL: GraphQL empowers clients to request the exact data they need with a single query, enhancing query flexibility and efficiency.


REST: REST APIs are often easier to understand and navigate without extensive documentation, thanks to their adherence to standard HTTP conventions.

GraphQL: GraphQL requires thorough and well-maintained documentation to make schemas and available types discoverable, especially due to its schema-driven nature.

Learning Curve

REST: REST APIs have a relatively low learning curve, as they follow conventional HTTP methods and principles.

GraphQL: GraphQL may have a steeper learning curve due to its schema and query language, but it provides more control and flexibility once developers are familiar with it.

Developer Experience

REST: REST’s simplicity and predictability can result in a more straightforward developer experience when building and consuming APIs.

GraphQL: GraphQL offers a powerful developer experience with its introspective schema and precise data requests, but it may take time for developers to harness its capabilities.


REST: REST has a well-established ecosystem with a wide range of tools, libraries, and best practices readily available.

GraphQL: GraphQL’s ecosystem is rapidly growing, with a dedicated community developing tools and resources to support its adoption.

REST API: Advantages and Disadvantages


Simplicity and Ease of Use

  • REST APIs are straightforward and adhere to standard HTTP methods, making them easy to understand and implement.
  • Developers can quickly grasp the basics, and integration with various platforms becomes seamless.


  • RESTful architecture is inherently scalable due to its stateless nature, allowing applications to handle numerous concurrent users.
  • Ideal for projects where scalability is a critical consideration, such as large-scale web applications.


  • REST APIs benefit from easy caching mechanisms, as each resource has its URL.
  • Improved performance and reduced server load, particularly useful in scenarios with high data retrieval rates.

Widespread Adoption

  • REST has been around for a long time and is widely adopted, ensuring ample support regarding tools, libraries, and community knowledge.
  • Developers can leverage a mature ecosystem for building and consuming APIs.


Over-fetching and Under-fetching

  • REST APIs may suffer from over-fetching or under-fetching of data, as clients have limited control over the information received.
  • It can lead to increased bandwidth usage or insufficient data for certain use cases.


  • Introducing breaking changes requires versioning, leading to multiple endpoints and potential complexity.
  • Managing different versions and ensuring backward compatibility can become challenging over time.

Limited Flexibility in Data Retrieval

  • Clients need to make multiple requests to different endpoints to retrieve related data.
  • It can result in a less efficient data retrieval process, especially in scenarios where precise data is needed.

GraphQL API: Advantages and Disadvantages


Efficient Data Retrieval

  • GraphQL allows clients to request the required data, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching.
  • Improved performance and optimized data retrieval are particularly valuable for mobile applications.

Single Endpoint

  • GraphQL typically exposes a single endpoint for all queries and mutations.
  • Simplifies the communication process, reducing the need for multiple endpoints and making the API more intuitive.

Strongly Typed Schema

  • GraphQL APIs strongly type themselves and self-document their schemas.
  • It enhances developer understanding and ensures a more robust and predictable API structure.

Real-Time Capabilities

  • GraphQL supports real-time data through subscriptions, enabling the development of features like live updates.
  • Ideal for applications requiring real-time interactions or data synchronization.


Learning Curve

  • GraphQL may have a steeper learning curve due to its schema and query language.
  • Developers may take time to harness the capabilities of this powerful tool.

Caching Complexity

  • Caching in GraphQL can be complex due to highly customized queries.
  • To ensure optimal performance, developers must carefully manage caching to avoid inefficiencies.

Security Considerations

  • Security measures need careful consideration to prevent malicious or overly complex queries.
  • Developers must pay attention to query complexity and depth to avoid potential vulnerabilities.


The choice between REST and GraphQL is based on the specific needs of your project. REST remains a solid choice for simplicity and strong discoverability, specifically when dealing with well-defined data access patterns. 

In contrast, GraphQL excels when you need flexibility in data fetching and real-time capabilities. Ultimately, your decision should align with your project’s requirements and your development team’s expertise. Regardless of your choice, thorough documentation and adherence to best practices are crucial to building a successful API.

Picture of Deekshith NB

Deekshith NB

Deekshith NB is a dynamic and versatile professional with two years of hands-on experience in software engineering. Specializing in React and Next.js technologies, he navigates the intersection of coding and creativity. He views every project and challenge as an avenue for continuous learning and adaptation. Deekshith is a firm advocate of growth through challenges, consistently demonstrating expertise and commitment in the evolving in software development.

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